Dressing For the Office When It's Hot

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In that case, you'll want to eschew the open-toed shoes. A pencil skirt is a great look year-round as long as it's not too heavy and not too light. Go with a sleek shape that isn't made of linen and isn't a cargo style, which is too informal for the office. The same goes for trousers and long shorts. That's right - it's OK to wear the formal styles of long shorts that you've seen in magazines and on runways. Again, it's contingent on your office's dress code, but shorts in a polished tweed or cotton material paired with a more formal top and flats are great for work. A nice way to beat the heat, comply with the dress code and combat the freezing A/C is to layer a camisole or tank in a natural material, such as silk or cotton, with a cropped blazer or cardigan. Add a pair of crisp, wide-legged trousers for a professional look. Use your judgment when dressing for the office - if a wardrobe choice seems questionable, then it probably is.