Break out of a Hair Rut

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If you've ever run into an old friend who hasn't seen you in awhile, don't assume that she's complimenting you when she says, "You haven't changed a bit!" We all need an update to our looks once in awhile, and changing your hairstyle is a great way to do it. Here are a few clues that your tresses need a fresh style. Take a look at your high school yearbook - how close is your style today to how it looked back then? Too close for comfort? Head to the salon. How often do you sport a ponytail? Sure, a sleek, pulled-back 'do can work, and it's a must at the gym. But if you find yourself slicking back your hair on a daily basis - or using the dreaded scrunchie to do it - then have your stylist help you find a look that you're not afraid to let flow. As you make life's big transitions - getting your first real job, having your first baby, etc. - be sure your look follows suit. Overbleached, overprocessed hair needs an update as you enter the workforce with a more professional look, as does a really long and completely unprocessed head of hair.
