Beauty Secrets of the Stars

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Celebrities swear by the craziest - and priciest - potions to retain their youthful looks onscreen. But which ones are hokey, and which can you incorporate into your beauty regimen? Definitely not the synthetic snake venom Gwyneth Paltrow favors, or the nightingale droppings contained in Victoria Beckham's facial! Many stars with dry skin simply swear by using Vaseline on their faces, either as a makeup remover or nighttime moisturizer, but use caution: It requires a light touch to keep from clogging pores. One doable solution many celebrities like Sandra Bullock turn to when trying to relieve puffy eyes is the vasoconstrictor Preparation H, smoothed into the skin around eyes. Teri Hatcher likes to down a glass of red wine when she soaks in the tub, but it's not what you think - the Desperate Housewives star simply dumps her glass in and enjoys wine's antioxidant properties, which exfoliate and soften skin.