Add Oatmeal to Your Beauty Regimen

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You know it's good for your insides, but adding oatmeal to your beauty regimen can reap benefits on the outside, too. That's because the breakfast staple is fantastic for exfoliating, treating acne, dry skin, itchy skin, sunburns and even your pooch's parched skin. Whether you make a mask, scrub, bath or other concoction, oatmeal is soothing and therapeutic because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces inflammation inside the body, not to mention lowers cholesterol and provides fiber, which keeps the digestive system running smoothly. To soothe dry skin, poison ivy or sunburn, run a lukewarm bath and add colloidal oatmeal. This formulation is powdered and easily dissolves in water to provide relief. Add two cups of either colloidal or steel-cut oats to water, plus a cup of powdered milk and a few tablespoons of honey. Relax, soak and pat dry.