7 Deadly Skin Sins

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Use at least two teaspoon-sized globs of sunscreen to cover your face, neck and décolletage, or these areas will show the effects of sun damage later. If your complexion is a problem now, then avoid picking at blemishes to keep scarring at bay. Popping zits might seem like a good idea, but you're really pushing bacteria deeper into the skin. And when you pop one, you may spread bacteria and cause another zit to form. Going to bed without washing your face is another way to speed breakouts. Makeup and other impurities clog pores and when you sleep, your core body temperature increases, which in turn, increases absorption of whatever's on your skin, including dirt. If you simply can't be roused to clean your face, then keep some waterless facial wipes in your nightstand and give your face a swipe. It's better than nothing!