Make Each of Your Kids Feel Special

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Children won't always understand why one sibling seems to get to do more but it helps to have an honest discussion about this. If your children understand that they are being treated on fairness, which is dependent on their age, they will better be able to accept your decisions.

Parents should avoid the phrase "because I said so" and be willing to have an open and honest discussion about why things are the way they are. As long as a parent is doing everything they can to make each child feel special and treated fairly at the same time, they are on the right track.

Making Children Feel Special

Parents can avoid the guilt trap by taking all of these steps to make sure each child feels like a special member of their family. Recognizing their individuality, spending time with each child, avoiding comparisons and favoritism, and treating children fairly will go a long way toward making each one feel that they have a special and unique place in this world.