7 Tips for Better Sleep for Your Child

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You might also consider making a chart that helps your child count down until its lights out. For young children, you can make a picture chart and for older children you can write out the bedtime ritual. A chart will help establish a sequence of events that take place. This predictable routine adds to the sense of security that a child needs to feel.

Choose activities that are calming. Television, video games or the computer are usually not a good idea before going to bed. You want to choose activities that will help your child begin to settle down. Reading books, listening to relaxing music, telling a story, saying prayers, or doing some relaxation exercises are ways that you can help your child unwind.

Part of your ritual will not only be relaxing and calming activities but could also include taking a warm bath, putting on pajamas and brushing teeth. At the end of your bedtime ritual, you say goodnight. Some children may still have a difficult time separating, so make sure you remind your child that the next day you will be able to spend time together again.

If children don't learn how to fall asleep on their own, you may be creating a more long-term problem. Teach your children early on that they can fall asleep without you near them.