Your Home's Germ Hotspots

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And encourage your family to use a disinfecting wipe every time they use the bathroom to get those surfaces even cleaner. In the bathroom, keep everyone's toothbrushes as far away from the toilet as possible to avoid cross contamination. Keep toothbrushes separate as well to keep germs from sickening everyone. Use individual towels or guest towels, or at the very least, be sure that the towel on which everyone dries their hands is replaced often. Wash linens and underwear separately in a hot-water wash, followed by drying on high heat to kill germs. Pay special attention to kitchen items, such as sponges, which have been deemed one of the germiest items in people's homes. Place in the microwave for a few seconds to disinfect, and replace often. Use that bleach and water solution every other day to disinfect the sink and surfaces around it, and use it on those cutting boards, where meats and vegetables may mingle.