Simple Ways to Save a Buck... Or More!

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Meats and poultry are usually the most expensive staples. So when you can go vegetarian, do it. Skip the meat a few times a week and you'll end up saving upwards of $25 a week (or $1,200 a year). When you're booking a trip, become a negotiator. Go for the best rates with airlines, hotels or car rentals. If you plan on dining out, look for buy one, get one free deals or plan your excursions when the early bird specials are on. Another major cost for people is medical expenses. When you receive medical bills, contact the billing department and try to talk them down. Some facilities will trim your bill if you offer to pay in full. As for insurance, consider raising deductibles so that you pay a lower monthly amount. Before making a major purchase - like a swingset, saw or sewing machine - check eBay or craigslist.org for great deals on barely used goods. The moral of the story is that you can increase your bottom line by simply remembering that you shouldn't pay full price for anything.