Reunite With Your Lost Child

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Even more helpful is teaching your child your phone number - particularly your cell phone number, if you have one. When she finds an adult who can help her, then she can have that adult call you. Teach your child which adults are acceptable to ask for help. Point out security officers, employees and other "officials" as soon as you arrive at your destination to teach her whom she should seek if she gets lost. Failing those, let your child know that moms who have little kids are OK to ask for help, too. When you get to your destination, go over a map and point out information booths to your child. Always carry a recent photo of the child so that she is easy to identify for employees and security personnel. Make the most of teachable moments - ask your 3-year-old what she would do if she were to get lost when you're in the midst of a crowded place. This way, children are prepared before they ever get separated.