Handy Breakfasts to Go

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Don't forget the spoon! Keep frozen fruit in your kids' favorite combinations on hand to mix with vanilla yogurt and a splash of milk or juice for a quick smoothie that's easy to down in the backseat. Instead of buying high-fat, high-sugar granola bars, look for organic varieties that include flax seeds and no-sugar-added dried fruit. Or better yet, make your own over the weekend to hand out on busy weekday mornings. All you need is old-fashioned oatmeal, flax seeds, your kids' favorite dried fruits and nuts, honey, a little butter and brown sugar. Get the balance you like and press the mixture into a greased baking dish. Bake in a preheated 325-degree oven for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool completely before cutting. The morning meal can be a breeze - even if you have to eat it in the car!

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