Fast First Aid for Boo-Boos

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Remove the splinter if you can. If not, then leave it for a day or so - it may work itself out. Check for bleeding, redness, warmth or pus around the area - that could mean an infection, for which you should see the doctor. Stings and bites are major ouchies - try removing the stinger if there is one by scraping it out gently with your fingernail or the edge of a credit card. Using tweezers can squeeze out more venom and cause more pain and irritation. Itching can be cured with calamine lotion or a 1% hydrocortisone cream. If you suspect a tick bite, then ask your doctor about testing for West Nile or Lyme disease. As you treat your child's wound, keep her distracted with stickers, a book, iPod or other activity, and enlist your partner to help if need be. Older children appreciate a preview of what you're going to do - let her know how you plan to treat it so there are no surprises.