Boot Your Kids from the Bed for Good

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This should give your child something to look forward to every night before he turns in. Now for the don'ts. Don't fall asleep with your child - he'll get used to needing a warm body next to him to fall asleep. Firmly explain to your child that with the new bedroom and routine come new responsibilities, one of which is staying in the bed for the entire night. Even if your child pitches a fit, don't give in. If he comes out of the room, send him back. Do not bend, not even for an instant. Last but not least, if your child comes to your bed in the middle of the night, take him back to his room and make him get into bed. Do not allow him to stay in your bed, no matter how tired you may be. In the end, the pay off will be plenty of nights of good sleep. You just need to be willing to make the sacrifice.