Revealed! 10 Guilt Traps for Moms

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8. Losing Your Temper

You have more chores than you have time. You're PMSing. The kids are screaming and won't stop to listen to a word you're saying. So you tell them to be quiet in a way that isn't the sweetest or most mommy-like, and you definitely don't use your indoor voice. Showing emotion (even the occasional snarl) actually isn't damaging to kids; it models normal emotional reactions and reassures them that your love is strong enough to survive a bad day.

9. Using Bribes

The child-rearing bible of the moment told you not to use bribes, but when you're trying to get that stack of paperwork done and your child just won't stop whining, offering a box of raisins or a favorite video in exchange for few minutes of blessed silence seems mighty tempting. Most parents do use bribes from time-to-time, and it's not the end of the world. Just try not to make a habit of it.

10. Taking Advantage of the Tube

Allowing your child to watch TV while you catch up on other activities is pretty common among parents from all walks of life. It's just that most don't want to admit it. While watching TV all day is definitely not recommended for a child of any age, some moderate viewing time won't do any damage.

So don't feel guilty if you aren't supermom all the time. Don't let society's stereotypical expectations make you feel guilty. Just pile lots of love on your children and know that you have done your very best. Sometimes it is better to leave the dusting until tomorrow, or put off doing the laundry for another afternoon so that you can spend time with your children or your husband or a good friend you haven't seen in a long time. Feel confident that the choices you make are the right ones.