Legal Separation or Divorce: Which is Better Financially?

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What is a legal separation agreement? 

Divorce financial experts often recommend that if you are going to live apart from your husband beyond a reasonable trial period, you obtain a legal separation agreement –which is a legally binding agreement between you and your husband to resolve issues such as the division of assets and debt, alimony/spousal support, child support and visitation. 

Some people remain separated for months or even years, so it’s essential that you protect yourself upfront and have all the necessary issues settled and agreed to in writing. In order to move forward, you need to know who gets which assets, who is responsible for debts, how much alimony is to be paid and for how long, etc. The legal separation agreement helps settle these issues, and if you ultimately decide to divorce, it can easily become your divorce settlement agreement. 

Does my state recognize legal separation agreements? 

Divorce laws vary from state to state, and so it’s no surprise that regulations governing legal separation vary from state to state, too. In general terms, each state falls into one of three broad categories: