What You Should Know About STDs

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Signs and symptoms: the most obvious signs are small red bumps that eventually turn into blisters. Similar to cold sores, these dry up and heal within a few weeks. Unfortunately, the herpes virus still remains. People with herpes may experience flu-like symptoms or a painful burning sensation during urination.


Treatment: there is no known cure for the herpes virus; however, there are medications that can help manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Whether symptoms are present or not, the herpes virus will continue to remain in the body.



About it: crabs are also known as pubic lice, and just like head lice, you can contract them by having close contact with someone else who has them. Crabs is marked by small, black bugs in the pubic hair, and it can even be passed via bed sheets or clothing.


Signs and symptoms: the major symptom of crabs is itching in the pubic region. It also may be possible to see the small lice bugs in the pubic hair.

Treatment: crabs can be treated just like head lice, with prescription and over-the-counter medications designed to kill the bugs and their eggs.

Genital warts/HPV


About it: genital warts are just what they sound like: warts that appear in the genital area. They are a physical symptom of the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. You can acquire genital warts by having skin-to-skin contact with a person who already has them. This includes oral contact.