Taking Care of Your Poor, Sick Guy

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Medicine, tissues, cold cloth, vomit bucket...whatever it takes to keep you from having to get up from what you're doing to tend to him every five minutes. That said, be prepared to help him, whether it's to the bathroom, picking up a prescription, or simply sympathizing with his moans and affirmations that he'll surely die. Make him that special chicken soup and prepare some tea to soothe his throat. If he realizes you're catering to all his suffering, then perhaps it can end just a bit sooner, no? After all of this, being the big, strong guy he is, he may try to hasten the recovery process and do too much, too soon. At this point, it's OK to be a little bitchy and force him to take it easy. After all, if he relapses, guess who'll be stuck taking care of him again? You'll be able to tell if he's on the mend when he starts showing appreciation for all your help – and when his libido returns. If all else fails, shuttle him off to his own mama!