Breaking Up Is Easy to Do

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The purpose of such a meeting isn't to beat each other down and point fingers. Don't let it go there. It shouldn't turn into a blame game. If it does, get back to the facts. Another sound piece of breakup advice is to let your partner be the first to know. You don't want your soon-to-be-ex finding out from family, friends or Facebook before he or she finds out from you. Be honest about your feelings. Don't sugarcoat it. Don't give false hopes. If you aren't even interested in remaining friends, make it clear. If you decide to proceed with a platonic relationship, let some time pass. Some experts recommend at least two months without any interaction whatsoever. Make it a clean break so that there are no loose ends. Last but not least, be fair to your partner. Even though you may miss that person, don't call, email or text. It isn't fair to your partner or yourself to keep him or her hanging on.
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