7 Important Tarot Cards in the Major Arcana

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The Devil -- Card fifteen is also one of the most well known tarot cards. The devil, in most cases, stands for animal lust and vice. It can also be interpreted as a lack of morality and hedonism over other more moderate choices in life. Most readers believe that the Devil card represents a lack of growth or the inability to stop behavior that harms oneself. The card, in most cases, is considered negative, but there is also a large amount of flexibility in the Devil card. The subject receiving the reading may be caught in a particular behavior, but that behavior can change and the impact of the devil can be removed.

The Moon -- Card eighteen of the tarot deck is the Moon. The card is usually associated with the ideas of tension, deception, confusion and anxiety. The Moon is also thought to be associated with doubt, worry, unrealistic ideas and illusion. Most readers interpret the Moon as a lack of vision or purpose in a person's life. A need to find the right path back to goals and meaning is needed before all is lost. It can also mean that an adventure awaits and to be brave when facing unknown circumstances. In most cases, the Moon has a negative connotation, but not in all.

The Lovers -- Card six in the tarot deck is The Lovers. The card is usually interpreted to mean union, passion and sexuality, as well as bonding, romance and heart. The card is seen almost universally as a positive, a sign that the subject has a positive, warm and healthy relationship in their life. There is a modicum of sacrifice with the Lovers card, the idea that the bachelor life will need to be jettisoned in favor of a caring and fulfilling relationship.