How to Stop the Holiday Blues With These Holiday Blues Busters

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Keep your activities and expectations realistic. Don't overbook yourself. If you have nothing to do, get involved, but pace yourself! Many activities can help you with the "holiday blues syndrome."

Let me name a few:

Become involved in a local charity group or outreach program. There is Make-A-Wish, The Salvation Army, Jaycees, The Red Cross and many soup kitchens around your area. You can check for a more extensive list of organizations you can provide your services to. Helping others will help you feel better about yourself and change your outlook on life. Make this a permanent habit and reap rewards in your emotional state forever.

Exercise. Exercise has been proven to release natural hormones called endorphins into the human body. Endorphins help to make people happier. You will also reap the benefits of becoming healthier with the added advantage of extra energy that is always a bonus. Why not make this a permanent part of your daily routine?