How to Make Homemade Bread

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BASIC WHITE BREAD (2 8x4 loaves)

*3 cups warm water
*1/3 cup oil or melted butter
*1/3 cup sugar or honey
*2 tsp. salt
Combine these and mix at low speed for 2 minutes.

*1 1/2 Tbsp. dry yeast

Add the yeast to the liquid, mixing very well again

*6-9 cups white, unbleached flour

Add flour a cup at a time, mixing between each cup. At about 6 or 7 cups in, you will have a sticky ball of dough. Keep adding flour, a small amount at a time, until it feels like an earlobe when you squeeze it. Next, turn out the dough onto a floured countertop. Knead the ball of dough for a couple minutes to even out the texture.

At this point you will have probably spent about 15 minutes on the process.

Next put the dough into a bowl that has been buttered or oiled on the inside. Cover with a clean, damp towel for about 45 minutes to let it rise for the 1st time.

When the dough has doubled in size, simply take the damp towel off and punch the dough. It will deflate satisfyingly. Turn the dough onto your floured countertop again, knead it for two minutes to even out the texture again, then divide into two equal size balls.