Gourmet Sauces, Rubs and Marinades - Give Your BBQ a Gourmet Kick

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Many individuals agree that the sauce on barbecued meat is like the icing on a cake. Gourmet barbecue sauces, rubs and marinades are commonly served on (or on the side of) the finished dish. Barbecue sauces are used to add flavor and sweeten the meat for a better tasting meal. The types of barbecue sauces available throughout the world are endless. Barbecue sauces, rubs and marinades are the three basic methods of seasoning and each brings its own unique element into the barbecuing experience.

Barbecue Sauces

Many individuals and families swear by barbecue sauce and some find it impossible to prepare meat without it. Popular types of BBQ sauce depend highly on the region, since many different areas have an opinion all their own. Barbecue sauces can are usually based with vinegar, pepper, tomato or mustard and can offer either a sweet or spicy taste to the dish. Some barbecue sauces also use alcohol such as bourbon or zinfandel to add flavor. Most BBQ sauces use a sweetener such as white sugar, brown sugar, molasses or maple syrup to add sweetness to the dish. Sugar burns easily and as a result, it is best to add the barbecue sauces during the last stage of grilling.