Revealed! Why It Hurts When You're Having Sex

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Fibroids can make sex very uncomfortable or painful. It may worsen during certain parts of the menstrual cycle. If fibroids develop on the cervix near the cervical opening, this intensifies the pain. Fibroids also may begin to affect the libido because they can throw the hormones out of whack. 


Generally, fibroids are a non-life-threatening condition. If fibroids cause uncomfortable symptoms, speak to your doctor about treatment options. 

Emotional Issues 

Sometimes pain during sex can be attributed to emotional or psychological issues. Negative emotions often cause an array of problems in terms of intimacy and sex. For instance, fears, memories or angst can prevent a person from relaxing. Guilt factors or a history of sexual abuse may stifle a woman’s ability to enjoy intercourse. 

Emotional disturbances can prevent a woman from becoming aroused and creating natural lubrication, which inevitably leads to pain during sex, explains the Rubino OB/GYN Group in New Jersey. If you suspect that pain during sex is psychological in nature, consider therapy with a qualified sex therapist. The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists is a good starting point for referrals, Rubino notes.