Home Remedies for Toothache

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Another kitchen option is using clove powder around the tooth or fill the tooth with the powder. You can empty a teabag and put the clove powder in the empty teabag and place this clove bag in the mouth.

Cloves: Cloves is another natural, safe and easy remedy for toothache. Cloves are known to help ease throbbing pain. Use of cloves in toothache decreases the infection due to its antibacterial components. You can apply it to a decayed tooth cavity. It can also help in reducing pain. The clove oil contains antiseptic properties. Clove oil mixed with ground black pepper and a little salt is extremely effective against a toothache.

Asafetida is an excellent and fast-acting remedy for toothache problems. Its rich mineral and vitamin contents increase the strength of the teeth and enable them to bear the pain.

One of the best known Home Remedies for Toothache relief is the good old clove. Clove reduces the pain as it has antiseptic properties and clove oil, applied on the painful tooth, can ease toothache pain fairly quickly. If you don't have clove oil, grind a clove and apply the powder on the affected area. The tooth cannot be cured, but the clove will give you relief from pain.