Dream On: 10 Ways the Average Joe Would Spend $10K

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"The way it stands now, I'm a slave to the minivan. But should I win $10,000, you better believe I would be footloose and fancy free in my very own Jeep." 

And he's not the only person who would give into his whims with no regrets. Deb K. has long had the itch to do some serious globetrotting -- and she would use the $10,000 to scratch it. The cool cash would go directly toward satisfying her wanderlust.

The 40-year-old marketing exec says, "I constantly have daydreams about winning the lottery and taking a fabulous trip, usually Rome. So if 10 grand were to magically appear in my bank account, I would take my best friend (sorry, hubby!) and spend a week roaming the ancient city. We would gorge on pasta, eat gelato while riding a Vespa and gleefully shout 'Ciao!' to everyone we see. After shopping in designer boutiques, we would buy the knock-offs for sale on the Spanish Steps. We would flirt with our concierge and get passes to see the Sistine Chapel on a personally guided tour. We would get lost trying to find the monument to 'La Popessa,' the allegedly female Pope Joan of the Dark Ages. We'd drink limoncello until we were knee-walking drunk, and then we'd make the local polizia haul us, soaking wet, out of the Trevi Fountain. It would be the best trip in the history of EVAR. That's $10,000 well spent!"