Do I Have an Underactive Thyroid? Warning Signs to Watch For

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Further, a study suggests that hospitalized patients with low thyroid levels could be at a greater risk of death. Scientists measured thyroid hormone levels in patients 65 and older upon admission to the Hospital General in Segovia, Spain in 2005. Researchers tracked hospital stay duration and survival rates among the 404 patients in the study as of January 1, 2012. They found an association between low thyroid hormone and mortality. 

If you have hypothyroidism – or suspect you might – speak with your doctor about these complications and what you can do to treat your condition or test to see if you have it. 

Treatment for Hypothyroidism 

Treatment may include synthetic thyroid hormone called levothyroxine to build up hormone levels. Taking this medication is usually a lifelong treatment with good results. The doctor will check thyroid-stimulating hormone levels after a few months of treatment to determine if the patient is taking the proper dosage. Just remember, finding the right dose may take time. So if the medication doesn't work right away, it may only be a matter of adjusting the dose.