Constipation: Causes and Treatments

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Traveling can also have adverse effects on the body. Diet and stress levels change during travel. In addition, airplane passengers have to sit still for long periods of time, and lack of exercise can cause constipation. Work out at least 30 minutes a day to relieve stress and keep your digestive system healthy.

Choices in Diet

Poor diet is one of the most widespread causes of constipation. One fairly common mistake is eating too many servings of dairy. Lack of dietary fiber and dehydration will also have a negative impact on the body. On the upside, poor diet choices can easily be changed. Start by keeping water near you at all times to make sure you drink at least 64 ounces daily.

Having warm liquids for breakfast will help too. Throughout the day, eat more fruits and vegetables, and consume fiber-rich foods. Bran cereal, whole wheat pasta, dry brown rice, barley, spinach, figs, prunes, almonds, cherries, and raspberries all contain plenty of fiber to cure constipation.

Medication and Side Effects

Well over 1,000 medications have "constipation" listed as a possible side effect. Pain medicines are some of the worst culprits. Narcotics, antidepressants, iron pills, and even antacids can contribute to constipation. Medicines containing calcium or aluminum have been known to affect the digestive process. Laxatives can even do damage; taking stool softeners for more than two weeks straight will promote bowel muscle weakness.