Breast Alert: What Are the Advantages of 3D Mammography?

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Decreased False Recall Rates 

One of the most stressful parts of getting a mammogram is having to return for more testing when initial readings are unclear or inconclusive. Because of the layer-by-layer scan and more detailed /images, 3D mammography can offer women increased peace of mind. 

Nearly 40 million mammograms are performed each year (most of them 2D mammograms), and about 4 million women are called back for additional exams. Of these recalls, more than 1 million minimally invasive biopsies are performed for further testing. 

3D mammography improves radiologists' accuracy and lessens false "call-back" recall rates by up to 40 percent, in addition to increased and earlier detection of breast cancer. Radiologists can reduce their patient recall rates more confidently, minimizing the anxiety women feel when asked to return.