5 Ways To Bust A Weight-Loss Plateau

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3. Eat.

While that may seem counterintuitive, the key is to time your meals/snacks so that you are never too hungry. Setting a schedule and sticking to it helps prevent excess calorie intake.

It's also a good idea to eat a little shortly before and shortly after exercise. Exercising on a completely empty stomach can actually make you hungrier post-exercise (because of lowered blood sugar), so you overeat. Instead, have a small snack about 30 minutes before exercise.

If possible, plan to have your next meal about 30 minutes after your exercise session. Waiting too long can also cause overeating.

4. Watch for "hidden" calories.

Remember, fruit juices and milk may be good for you, but their calories add up fast. Drink them in moderation.

Likewise, that non-dairy creamer for your coffee (especially the flavored ones) contains calories. More than a couple of servings (check the serving size) can add up to a whole snack's worth of calories.