Weight Loss Cures They Don't Want You To Know About

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ImageThe second phase involves the use of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injections, a tough practice that has shown to have side effects for many people, not to mention that it is not FDA approved.

During the third phase, the use of hCG comes to an end, but dieters should be on an all-organic eating regimen. Dieters are encouraged to walk at least an hour a day, consume organic grapefuit and perform breathing exercises.

A great amount of the Weight Loss Cures They Don't Want You To Know About can be found in his first two books. Trudeau has been under fire by the Federal Trade Commission which alleges deceptive practices in his infomercials.

In his infomercial, Trudeau claims that a person needs take the herbs, follow the directions and the weight will fall off. No exercise, No hunger, no surgery and you will burn fat even while you sleep.

For more info about the diet, it is also important that you visit Trudeau's website which will set you back another $9.95 a month. Even if you are able to lose the weight, Trudeau is quick to inform dieters that if they deviate from the organic diet and go of course, they will surely pack on all the pounds they have lost.