How to Sleep Better at Night Without the Hassles

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Exercise Regularly

People who work out at least three times a week have been found to sleep better at night. Try exercising for an hour and you will realize that you will feel sleepier during your bedtime. Besides, exercise is good for your overall health.

Don't Be Tempted To Have A Midnight Snack

It is actually all right to eat light snacks in the evening because it would be much harder to sleep on an empty stomach. However, it would be better to skip fatty and heavy snacks a few hours before you sleep because this could make your blood sugar surge, which will surely prevent you from going to sleep.

Say No To TV Before Going To Bed

The best place to put the television is outside your bedroom. The flickering lights caused by the television will prevent you from snoozing because it stimulates the brain. Pineal gland function is also disrupted because of the television lights. If you want to go to sleep at 10pm, the television (or even the computer) should be off by 7pm.

Read Something Relaxing Or Spiritual

Reading books or magazines about soothing or spiritual themes encourage restful snooze because it will not agitate you. Instead, these kinds of materials will make you feel relaxed. In contrast, a suspense-filled plot or a horror story would surely make you feel awake, because of fear or because you are compelled to finish the book.

Put On Your Socks

Studies have proven that the feet have poor circulation, so they are the first areas of your body that feel cold during winter nights. If you do not want to wake up in the middle of the night because of the chill, better put on a pair of socks before you go to bed.