Breathing to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

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The benefit of this type of breathing is that by taking long, slow breaths that go deep into your abdomen you are actually maximizing your oxygen intake. The result is instant stress relief. With more oxygen in your system, your body calms down and puts you in a much more relaxed state. At the same time you are also clearing your mind of stress since you are very much focused on breathing properly and deeply. If your mind begins to wander bring your focus back to the breathing and you will find yourself to be much more relaxed.

Deep breathing like this can be helpful for everyone and it does work, but only if done properly. No doubt there are other ways to deal with stress, but deep breathing can be done anywhere and at any time and requires no equipment except for your nose and a working set of lungs! The important thing is that it helps you quickly reach a state of calm and to clear your thinking. Still skeptical? Why not try it for yourself; you won't be disappointed.

About the Author: Jan Oliver is an academic, writer and researcher in natural health. See more of her work at http://www.control-your-blood-pressure.com. Discover genuine natural ways to lower blood pressure immediately. Click Here to get your free report on dealing with blood pressure.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Breathing To Relieve Stress And Anxiety