Refined vs. Unrefined Carbs

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Not All Carbs Are Created Equal

The most important thing to remember about carbs is that not all carbs are created equal. High-carb foods such as white bread, pasta, sugar and potatoes are made up of refined carbs and are quickly absorbed by the body. Eating these foods releases a high level of insulin into the bloodstream, which means you'll be hungry only a few hours later. Unfortunately, your body has already absorbed all those extra calories, but you won't know the difference when hunger sets in.

If you had eaten unrefined carbs, or slow-absorbing carbs instead, you would feel fuller, longer. Unrefined carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and whole grains are absorbed much more slowly and will leave you feeling full and satiated. These carbs also contain a high amount of fiber, which is important for keeping your digestive system in good order.

Don't let the media or the latest fad diet book tempt you into thinking that a low-carb diet is the only solution for weight loss. Carbs play an important role for keeping you healthy because they are an important resource for your energy supply; making sure you eat enough healthy carbs is the key to successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Just make sure the bulk of your diet comprises unrefined carbs so you can lose weight and keep it off for the long-term.