Make Good Health a Family Affair

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An overnight change in lifestyle to lose weight and change eating habits is unrealistic. A period of four to six months to reach goals is more realistic, with a plan to make adjustments if needed.

To make healthy lifestyle changes easier, start with small changes. Gradual change is easier to make part of a daily routine and to maintain over time. Eat together as a family, drink milk or water instead of soda, and take a walk together after dinner.

Set realistic goals that allow you to see results for each family member and set family goals. A child's goal might be to eat fruit or raw carrots as an afternoon snack. An adult goal might be to walk or exercise three days each week. As a family, the goal might be to avoid fast-food meals and make eating out a treat.

Be aware of situations that tempt you to revert to your old habits. If you usually eat lunch at the mall when you go shopping, eat lunch before you go or plan to eat a salad or other healthy lunch instead of fast food.

Reward successes frequently to stay motivated. Praise your child when he or she reaches a goal or asks for a fruit snack instead of cookies. Families can decide as a group on a reward for meeting goals. For instance, the reward may be a special trip or a night at the movies.