Chill Out: A Diet Trick to Take on the Road

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If you're watching your carb count, pack slices of lean protein and cheese and make roll-ups. You can even bring along a salad in a convenient Tupperware container. Come snacktime, the possibilities are endless. Sugar-free Jell-O, fat-free pudding and low-fat yogurts also make great take-along snacks. Add individually wrapped string cheeses for protein and calcium. Instead of chips, substitute whole grain crackers. If you're really cravings chips, opt for the individually packed baked chips that aren't loaded in trans fats. Unsalted nuts such as almonds, walnuts and cashews are also a good source of polyunsaturated fats provided they're enjoyed in moderation. Be sure to keep frozen ice packs in the cooler to ensure that your food doesn't spoil. Once you reach your destination, bring your cooler along to keep you company. Your waistline will thank you.