How to Choose the Right Lipstick for You

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For a very busy woman who enjoys looking her best this type of lipstick can be perfect. She chooses the shade that best matches her look for the day. She applies it before leaving home and can work all day without worrying about reapplication.

Purchasing lipstick is as easy as visiting your local cosmetics counter. In most major department stores the cosmetic counter is staffed with a beauty specialist. This person will be able to help you when you are buying lipstick.

Quite often they have training in cosmetology and understand what shades of lipstick complement what skin tones the best. They'll choose a few lipsticks for you to consider. In most stores there are lipstick testers which allow the customer the chance to apply a small dab of lipstick on their wrist to check for color.

Lipstick is fun to wear and it can brighten up a woman's mood instantly. When choosing lipstick it's wise to pick a few different shades that reflect your different moods.

About the Author
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