The Hottest Nail Art Looks

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You’ll need:

  • two contrasting colors of nail polish, preferably the same brand;
  • a small paintbrush;
  • clear-coat nail polish;
  • Q-tips; and
  • nail polish remover.
  1. Wash and dry your hands, making sure your nails are trimmed to the shape you want and ready to paint.
  2. Apply a single coat of the dominant color to each nail. Lighter colors may require multiple coats to achieve the desired color. Allow the base coat to dry completely.
  3. Using the small paintbrush, dot the contrasting color onto the base coat in a scattered pattern.
  4. Allow the dots to dry completely before covering with the clear-coat to protect the polish.
  5. Use the Q-tips dipped in nail polish remover to clean up any stray nail polish on your cuticles.

Don’t feel that you have to place each dot in a pattern or that they all have to be uniformly sized. A little variety in the dots can give your fingers a quirky style, especially if you slip in a few other colors!

Nail Art Solutions for the Not-So-Crafty

Whether you’re pressed for time or you just don’t have that creative streak to paint your own, easy nail art can still be yours with pre-made stickers. All you need to do is clean and shape your nails, then apply the removable decals. Check the nail care section in the makeup department of any store and you’re likely to find a variety of patterns and designs.