Hottest Winter Nails

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Wintertime lends itself to all kinds of festive apparel and accessories. Between cocktail parties, holiday card photo-ops and family dinners, there’s no better time to get fancy on the fingertips. Here are this season’s hottest nail trends that you can try today.

Essential Winter Colors

Navy and dark blues: Mix darker blue shades with a hint of sparkle this year. Don’t be afraid - these colors have been showing up on runways and fashion spreads as a new winter hue. Give your nails a bit of a bold look this year at work, holiday parties, or just because.

Berry, wine, and burgundy: Call them what you will, darker reds have always been a wintertime staple, and this year is no different. Look for slight variations like deep oxblood or shimmery reddish-browns.

Dark green: Green nails may sound like a turn-off under normal circumstances, but new polishes take green to a new level. We’re not talking bright, neon greens; we’re talking deeper forest green, muted emeralds and stunning jades. These go great with a red outfit for an understated holiday look that isn’t too cliché.

Gold and silver:You trim the tree with gold and silver ornaments, treat your nails to the same luxury! There are plenty of lines with different interpretations of gold, copper and silver that can leave your nails as shiny as the star on top of the Christmas tree.