7 Tried And True Techniques for Keeping Warm

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You want to make sure that there is enough room for warm socks without stopping the blood flow. Don't forget scarves and gloves as well. If your child complains of burning, aching or numbness in fingers, toes, ears or nose, soak these areas in warm water until they turn pink. Using a warm compress to the affected areas will also do the trick. It's also important to beware of hypothermia. This occurs when the body temperature drops below 95 degrees. Keep an eye out for these symptoms - drowsiness, weakness, confusion, uncontrollable shivering and slurred speech. In the event your child appears to be afflicted with hypothermia, take your child to the nearest hospital or call 911. Remove any wet clothing and put the child in warm clothes or a warm blanket, making sure the head and the neck are not exposed. Give the child a warm drink to consume until help arrives.