The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

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The Warning Sign:
It's important to wait until it is time. Focus on having the best life possible in the meantime, so you'll be as attractive and ready for a great man when the right time comes. Studies show 50% of men getting married report they could have just as easily married someone else from their past and been just as happy, but that the timing wasn't right. And that part of the reason they're marrying the woman they're marrying, is that the timing just feels right -- now.

Mistake #4: You Settle For Less
You have to want the same kind of life. One of the biggest reasons couples break up is when one person wants children and the other doesn't. Or, one wants to live in the city and the other one wants the country. You have to be the kind of person he's looking for, and he has to be the kind of person you're looking for.

The Warning Sign:
You're not going to turn a quiet chess player into a party animal. Or a man who hates snow into one who wants to go skiing every weekend. Or a man who doesn't care about material things, and isn't very ambitious, into one who wants to build an empire for you. If you find yourself wanting to change the person he is now, first get clear on the kind of life you want and the kind of guy you'll need to have that life. Then, go find him -- and resist all others.