The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

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Mistake #2: You Don't Read the Material
You must find a man that's "relationship material." He must want a relationship, know how to have one and be available. Relationship-oriented men are obvious: they're usually in relationships! They like women. They have friends. They get along with their families and people at work. Besides, you can find out if he's relationship-oriented or not by looking at his Vedic chart.

The Warning Sign:
Men who are not relationship-oriented are not close with their families -- or they're way too close to their families. They whine about or have drama with friends, they dislike everybody at work or they spend most of their time alone. You cannot turn a man who is not good at relationships, or healthy enough emotionally, into a man who is.

Mistake #3: You Rush Into Things
Vedic Astrology can reveal when you're in a "season of love" and when you're not. And when you're not, it doesn't matter how hard you try, or who you meet. You could hire the best matchmaker in the world, and be on every Internet dating site, and you won't find "him." Just as flowers can't grow when the ground is frozen, but effortlessly do so when the snow melts, there's nothing you have to do once the conditions are right. He'll find you, and you'll find him.