Self-Sabotage Behavior and the Power of Forgiveness

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Tammy focused on forgiving the people and circumstances of her childhood. As she let go of her pent-up hurt and anger, she became more and more comfortable letting other people take control of their own work and she began to let go of her need to control her friends and family. As a result, her coworkers, friends and family enjoy being around her and she is much more relaxed and happier!

Jim focused his forgiveness work on himself. He spent hours forgiving himself for all the things he felt he had done to mess up his life and the lives of those around him. As he let go of his pent up hurt and anger, he became more and more relaxed and comfortable just being himself. He let go of his harsh judgment of himself and developed a more supportive and motivating way to move forward when things don't work out as he planned. Jim also took the leap of faith and left his accounting job to work in the manufacturing industry which, for him, is much more interesting and stimulating.

In case you are wondering, I never got to 490. I was about halfway there when all my inner anger, resentment and sadness just lifted away! I still use my Forgiveness Journal for "spot cleaning," so I keep it in a safe place so I'll know where it is when I need it.

No matter what brought you to your own journey of forgiveness, one thing I can promise you is this; doing the forgiveness work will improve your life in unbelievable and wonderful ways!

Are you ready to forgive 490 times?

About the Author:

Troyann Williams is a highly renowned SuccessEsteem Coach. For a FREE GUIDE: Recognizing the 5 Most Significant Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Own Efforts to Be Successful, go to http://www.selfsabotagebehavior.com. Troyann is a "been-there, done-that, knows what she's talking about" coach! You can learn more about the SuccessEsteem coaching program at http://www.selfsabotagebehavior.com.

Copyright 2009

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Self-Sabotage Behavior and the Power of Forgiveness