Six Meals a Day Is the Way

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Smart choices include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean fish and poultry, low-fat dairy, and unsaturated fats. In addition to stabilizing blood sugar levels, it also prevents debilitating diseases. By filling up on these foods, you'll be less likely to turn to processed, high-sugar, high-calorie, high-fat foods in between meals. Here is what an effective menu should look like. When you wake up, enjoy a balanced breakfast. Within a few hours, have a mid-morning snack. Come lunchtime, treat yourself to a sandwich and soup or a burger and side salad. By 3:00 or 4:00, you'll be ready for an afternoon snack. Dinner should consist of a protein, a healthy carb and a vegetable. If you get hungry following supper, indulge in a smart dessert like fruit.