Diet Reviews / High Fiber
As opposed to other diets where the goal is to lose extra pounds, the Inside Out Diet works to achieve good digestion, the foundation of good wellness and health. The Inside Out Diet was invented by Dr. Anthony Leeds, a medical doctor, renowned dietitian Fiona Hunter and expert in fitness…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
By Cheryl Tallman and Joan Ahlers, With so many choices in the grocery store, it is often difficult to pick out the healthiest foods for your family. Recently, a system was introduced to help consumers make this decision. It is called the NuVal system, and it was developed by…
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Diet Reviews / Prepared Meals
You might be thinking “Ch-ching, ch-ching,” but compared to the obscene amount of money you spend on fast food and dining out, this home delivery meal service is cost-efficient, time-saving and a lot healthier. Diet-To-Go offers low-fat, low-carb and vegetarian meals that are delivered right to your doorstep. There is…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
As a psychiatrist I know that there is more to overeating and obesity that meets the eye. One big reason that many diets fail is that traditional weight loss programs don’t factor in how we process subtle energy, what Chinese medicine terms “life force” or “chi.” Subtle energy penetrates and…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
Now, viewers can put The Biggest Loser Diet to work, available through TheBiggest Loser book or through the for less than $5 a week. But you will not have to do this alone. You will not only have the ability to interact with other dieters; you will also have…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
By Peter sams The American Heritage Dictionary describes depression as being “a psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death.” Depression is the common cold of mental disorders – ” most people will…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
By Lucas Wold My gym is located right by Lake Tahoe, which is home to the sexiest beaches in Nevada, hands down. It should come as no surprise then, that I am most often called on for help lookin’ good in a bikini. Here are SEVEN of my sizzling hot…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
If you’re committing to a walking routine to keep up with your fitness and exercise resolutions this year, you can keep track of your progress by wearing a pedometer. Experts recommend that everyone should take at least 10,000 steps per day for better health, but you don’t have to count…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Sleeping your way to weight loss sounds like a gimmick, but there is a correlation between how much sleep you get and how lean you are. One study shows that lack of sleep disturbs metabolic and hormonal process, increasing hunger and making it harder to drop those extra pounds. Lack…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
The traditional Christmas feast is upon us, and that means you’ll a big meal with all of the trimmings is lying in wait. For those revelers who want to stay in the holiday spirit while still watching their weight, there are some common sense ways to cut back on your…
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