Interpreting Tarot Cards

Interpreting Tarot Cards

Horoscope / New Age

by Isabella Interpreting the Tarot cards is an attempt to acquire knowledge of the past, present or future through insight and intuition. Being able to read the patterns from the card images is the key to revealing what is happening beneath the surface and what is likely to result from…

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Understanding Planetary Positions: What Is Vedic Astrology?

Understanding Planetary Positions: What Is Vedic Astrology?

Horoscope / Astrology

The astrology is basically rising sun astrology. And it lays great emphasis on studying all heavenly bodies to reveal about a person and make predictions accordingly. This astrology finds birth chart of extreme importance in order to get information about a person’s life. Vedic astrology is an age old astrological practice that originated in India in…

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Songs of the Zodiac Workout Playlist

Songs of the Zodiac Workout Playlist

Horoscope / Astrology

By Jason Knapfel for Earlier this year news broke that the Zodiac signs were changing, as experts released information that the Earth’s axis had shifted since the Babylonians set the Zodiac signs 3,000 years ago. As a result, the signs had to change, news that turned the pop culture…

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Important Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep

Important Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep

Horoscope / New Age

Sleep is very important for the overall health of a person; so if you have difficulty sleeping, it is always better to follow these feng shui tips for better sleep and health. A very important feng shui tip is to avoid sleeping with the head towards the door. This is…

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Tarot Card Descriptions

Tarot Card Descriptions

Horoscope / New Age

Many people will say many different things about tarot cards and tarot card descriptions; truth is there are many ways to understand them, but only one true way to actually define them. Tarot cards are a stack of cards placed in front of you, defining some of your most sought…

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When to Run from the Palm Reader

When to Run from the Palm Reader

Horoscope / New Age

By Sara Sirolli Palmistry is one of those subjects, like politics and religion, that evokes strong opinions, usually for or against. It surprises me that in this day and age and in this atmosphere of information sharing there are still so many gray areas surrounding the science! Without “letting the…

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The Value of an Astrology Birth Chart

The Value of an Astrology Birth Chart

Horoscope / Astrology

An Astrology birth chart is something meant for predicting your future. Whether you believe it or not, there is a grain of truth in all these talk about birth signs and horoscopes. I wasnt a believer until recently, when some strange events happened to show me that actually my horoscope…

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The Power of the Feng Shui Colors

The Power of the Feng Shui Colors

Horoscope / New Age

Feng shui is basically the art of incorporating happiness and prosperity in a home by making some changes in the house of office. And according to feng shui, one thing that has lots of influence in your day to day luck is the color around you. With the right knowledge…

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Psychic Chat Online: Psychic Readings

Psychic Chat Online: Psychic Readings

Horoscope / New Age

By Tolga Savas In this day and age if you were to search psychic chat online or psychic chat rooms in the major search engines, you will come up with millions of web sites offering this service. With the internet offering all kinds of services, it is now just a…

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The Fundamentals of Scientology

The Fundamentals of Scientology

Horoscope / New Age

The word, Scientology means the study of truth and stems from two words: The Latin word, “scio” which means “knowing the fullest sense of the word” and the Greek word, “logos” which translates to “study of.” This relatively new religion studies the spirit (or Thetan as Scientologists call it) and…

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