Lip Service: Simple Ways to Contend with the Chap

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There's nothing quite as uncomfortable as a case of chapped lips. For most of us, the issue of chapped lips arrives along with the cold weather. It isn't uncommon to see people relying on Carmex and ChapStick to give chapped lips the kiss off. It's hard to ignore those telltale signs that include dryness, cracking, peeling and swelling. Some people suffer from chapped lips, or chelitis, during all seasons. Chapped lips are the byproduct of dehydration. When it comes to chapped lips, prevention is key. When the temperatures begin to change, invest in a lip balm. There are plenty of brands from which to choose ranging from Blistex to Burt Bees to Neutrogena. Perhaps the most common treatment is petroleum jelly. Try getting a product that has an SP of at least a 15 or higher. If you're suffering from chapped lips, one of the worst things you can do is to lick your lips. That's because some of the enzymes in the saliva cause the lips to be irritated and the evaporation of water in saliva saps moisture from them.