Best Beauty Organizers

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If your bathroom counters and drawers are a jumble of brushes, jars, pots, powders and bottles, then it may be time to find a way to rein in the mess. Even when you have a large makeup bag, you can find yourself rummaging through to find that little lip gloss you like so much. Why not make things easier? You don't have to spend a fortune at the container store to get the job done. First, start by tossing all the products you don't like or that are outdated. Yes, that blue eyeshadow from 1987 must go! Clean out drawers if you plan to store cosmetics there - things tend to spill when stored on their sides. If you have the counter space, then use it to store cosmetics in small acrylic (transparent, so you can see what's being stored) containers with sections that hold things appropriately. Small, narrow spaces may hold brushes or lipsticks; larger, flat drawers may hold pressed powder, etc.