11 Holiday Treats You'll Never Dessert

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'Tis the season to crave those sweet treats. From festive fruit cakes to Christmas cookies, it seems like mid-November to January is just one long binge. But if you're going to indulge, you might as well do it right.

So why not dive in to these gourmet goodies that go with the holiday territory? For starters, let's think drinks. What better way to quench your thirst and your hunger than with a traditional beverage treat? Hot chocolate, Irish coffee, gingerbread latte and of course, egg nog are among the top favorites for this time of the year. While you can find a carton of egg nog in the dairy aisle of your local grocery store, hot chocolate and seasonal coffee drinks are available at just about any chain coffee store. If you're feeling really creative, you can opt for the homemade route. Web sites such as foodnetwork.com have these recipes readily available. And what goes better with a hot drink than a batch of freshly baked - or bought - Christmas cookies?