Today's Love Tip
Looking to have a sexy night in? Perhaps you're just looking for an upgrade when it comes to boudoir wear. If your relationship is getting stale and needs spicing up, then a change in PJs might be in order. We're not talking about investing... Read More
More Love Advice
Can Sensual Massage Break the Barrier of Silence Between Couples?

Can sensual massage break the barrier of silence between couples? Silence or lack of communication is attributed as one of the reasons for breaking up a marriage. The increasing cases of separation and divorce point to lack of bonding and communication between couple which earlier generations had. It wasn't a lack of time that previous generations had, but the will to explore the partners with massage techniques that kept the marriages alive. {relatedarticles}

While there are many types of massage with many therapeutic benefits the erotic or sensual massage is recommended for couples who are deprived of marital bliss.

What is a sensual massage?

It isn't just kneading muscles and pressing those joints, it's an art and science being practiced from times immemorial to forge closeness between partners. Of late it has evolved into more of an art embodying passion and lovemaking.{relatedarticles}

It is actually not just a massage but much more than that - and was practiced since long times by kings and the queens and even common people for many reasons. The art has been followed in many lands and followed by people of several cultures and races, from Africa, India and China to the Celts to the Greeks, for centuries.

While a general masseur gives a massage that can help release from bodily pains and aches, a sensual massage can be given by a loved one and can build stronger bonding between couple while it can also relieve stress.

Why was sensual massage popular with people of many cultures and races?

The massage offers innumerable benefits for those that give, likewise that receive. The benefits immensely bolster the connection the partners share.{relatedarticles}

It should be remembered that the sensual massage doesn't merely involve kneading the muscles; it's an experience and involves perfect blend of several elements from preparation to the pressure points. Then coming to the massage part, which is about how to touch and where to touch -- it's more than just that physical touch.

It doesn't have to start with a preparation according to some; the massage can start incidentally as some pranks, jokes and play but transition to serious sensual massage and then end in sex.

Benefits of this type of massage

Sensual massage can be erotic. It kind of evokes the sleeping senses. The massage can deliver message of promise from the giver that they are bound to them and it can help in shedding of inhibitions during the process of lovemaking.

The massage can release a person from joint aches and pains and releases the knotted nerves.

It gives the recipient a sense of emotional security that no other massage can give.{relatedarticles}

The massage acts as a precursor to romantic adventures for couples.

Sensual massage acts as another mode of communication without words but conveying the language of hearts.

There are many types of sensual massage such as lingam massage, tantra or the tantric massage, yoni massage, etc.

About The Author

Most massage parlors offer some form of the sensual massage, and the terminology used differs from parlor to parlor. Often times, the parlors may alternate the term with Lingam massage, or Yoni massage. To know more information on massage types feel free to visit the link: http://www.wikidult.com/RedPages/Massage.html

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After Infidelity: Make up or Break up

Relevance Info Services, an international publisher of quality information, approached me as an expert in relationship issues with the question if I could evaluate a number of websites that offer methods and tips for saving relationships and prevent a divorce. The fact is that, with respect for all the well meant kind of information, there are many offerings on the internet that are not based upon psychological principals. A lot of the presented materials cause more harm than any good. It is not composed by experts and that's certainly not what you want. If you are in serious trouble the situation demands a professional approach by people that are very experienced in solving relationship issues.{relatedarticles}

This article is about what to do after infidelity.

Iinfidelity is a betrayal, a loss of trust. It is lying or disloyalty to one's partner or lover. Infidelity may be sexual or emotional in nature and typically involves a third person. Infidelity does not necessarily involve physical separation, but can be characterized by emotional detachment as well. Emotional detachment can happen when you lose your partner's trust or if you lie to your partner or tell them half-truths. Betraying your partner may inflict a deep pain that is difficult to repair and sometimes causes irrevocable damage to the relationship that hastens its end. There are many things that can occur in the wake of infidelity. If you are married, infidelity could lead to divorce. If you are in a committed relationship, it could lead to a break up.

So what happens after infidelity occurs in your relationship?

There are distinct stages a relationship goes through in the wake of infidelity.

1. Roller Coaster Stage. This is the stage where strong emotions arise - emotions such as anger and self-blame followed by a period of introspection and appreciation of the relationship. Just like it says, your emotions go for a roller coaster ride, up and down, round and round and it's a bit hard to figure out exactly where you are.{relatedarticles}

2. Moratorium Stage. This stage is a less emotional stage, at least for the person who was cheated upon. In this stage, the person affected tries to make sense of the betrayal. They may ask for more detail about the affair or retreat into themselves or quietly seek help from others regarding the issue.

3. Trust Building Stage. This stage takes place when the couple has decided to stay together. During this stage, the couple really tries to make their marriage work. They decide that a continued commitment to their relationship is important and with time, eventually forgiveness and trust can be achieved.

After an infidelity occurs, you may still find yourself often doubting your partner. Don't lose heart, there is hope. Here are some signs that may indicate if a person is still worthy of your love.

- Expresses sincere remorse and regret for cheating on you

- Heartfelt apologies feel true when you hear them

- Accepts total blame for his or her betrayal

- Cuts off all contact with the third party

- Shows a renewed appreciation, admiration, respect and devotion to only you{relatedarticles}

- Displays a willingness and openness to talk about what happened

- Is willing and eager to go into marriage counseling with you

If both of you are willing to participate in a deep, open, and honest conversation regarding your relationship and how you would like it to progress, there is a good chance you will be able to work through your issues.

If, on the other hand, your partner is not open to discussing these things with you and not demonstrating any of the possible reconcilement signs listed above, it may be time to cut your losses and get out. Additional signs that it might be time to end the relationship are: your partner seems to be more agitated than usual and seems to emotionally and physically withdraw from you.

They may go out alone more often and may be making clandestine phone calls or working late hours. You might even receive anonymous phone calls at the house. If several of these things are occurring, then most probably your partner is cheating on you. If you can find concrete evidence of this infidelity, then it's probably a good idea to break up. A relationship that is based on lies, lacks trust and lack of commitment is doomed to fail.{relatedarticles}

After an infidelity occurs, be aware of any signs that may indicate your partner's willingness to stay and work it out or clear intention to follow along the path of continued betrayal. Just be careful and pay attention. Make the best decision for you.

About The Author

I would be pleased to guide you in the process after infidelity or go to http://stop-a-divorce-info.com.

This article was written by expert author Ruth Martin for Relevance Info Services

The author invites you to visit: http://stop-a-divorce-info.com
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Learn to Kegel


The word alone can cause a girl to giggle. But Kegels are no laughing matter. These exercises effectively strengthen the pelvic floor and the benefits are far reaching. After all, this is one muscle you want to give a workout, especially if you want to keep certain bodily functions under control.

Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Many factors, such as pregnancy, childbirth, being overweight and aging, can weaken the pelvic muscles and cause health problems. Kegel exercises help prevent your pelvic organs from bulging into your vagina, which can cause pelvic pressure and urine leakage.

Giving birth to a baby, especially vaginally, can take its toll on your sex life because of all the stretching your vagina had to do. However, Kegels can get your body feeling better than ever. In fact many women report an even better sex life after they start doing Kegel exercises.


Best of all, Kegel exercises can be done anywhere - while you're at work, watching TV, on the computer, eating dinner or even while driving to work. You can do them discreetly without anyone knowing.

You don't need any equipment at all. Of course, there are devices called Kegel exercisers available on the market that claim to make your exercises even more effective, but in reality, these aren't required.

How to Do Kegel Exercises

If you are new to Kegel exercises, it can be a little nerve-wracking at first when you try to find the right muscles and worry about whether or not you are doing the exercises correctly. Just relax and follow these tips.

First, you need to find the correct pelvic floor muscles. This isn't necessarily for the faint of heart. To do so, place a finger inside your vagina and see if you can squeeze the muscles around it. While squeezing, you should feel your pelvic floor move up and your vagina tighten. Next, relax the muscles and feel your pelvis move back to where it was originally.


Another trick is to stop your urine flow while urinating. If you can do that, then you've got the basic exercise down. However, don't regularly do Kegels on a full bladder or while emptying a full bladder. This can actually have the opposite effect causing weaker pelvic floor muscles and urinary tract infections.

Now that you have found the right muscles, you need to practice. Remember, practice makes perfect. Lie or sit down, contract your pelvic muscles, hold for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. Repeat this several times. When you feel comfortable, try to contract your muscles and hold for 10 seconds.

Your goal should be 10 repetitions several times a day. This may seem like a lot, but remember, Kegel exercises can be done easily whenever you are doing most activities. You can do them while eating, driving, playing on the computer or watching TV.

Kegels for men?

Although Kegel exercises are typically geared toward women, men can benefit from Kegels as well. For men who have problems with premature ejaculation or sexual performance, doing Kegels regularly can help men last longer and maintain a firmer erection.


Because the pelvic muscles in men control the flow of semen and urine, strengthening them can help men last longer and have better sex for many years to come. It's the best thing they can do for their sexual well-being, and it will result in more pleasure for their partner as well.

For men, the easiest way to find their pelvic muscles is to try to stop the flow of urine while urinating. Another way, though less desirable, is to insert a finger into the anus and contract the muscles until the anus tightens. Once the muscles are found, it is critical to make sure the right ones are always being tightened.

What Not to Do

Now that you know how to do Kegel exercises, here are some things you should avoid doing:

  • Don't flex the muscles in your thighs, stomach or butt. Make sure that your focus is only on your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Do not hold your breath or force yourself to breathe. You should breathe regularly.
  • Don't do Kegels when you are trying to concentrate on something, such as learning a new task at work or at school. You may lose your concentration.
  • Don't overdo it. Too-frequent Kegel exercise sessions can cause soreness. You need time to rest, especially in the beginning, when your body is still not used to the new routine.

When You Need Help

Although many women are able to do Kegels, some women need a little more help. If that's the case with you, don't worry. Ask your doctor for feedback to ensure that you strengthen the right muscles.


Some doctors can help you through biofeedback. A small probe is inserted into the vagina by your doctor and electrodes are placed around the vaginal or anal area. A monitor will show you if you are contracting the right pelvic muscles, as well as the length of time you are holding each contraction.

In rare cases, your doctor may recommend electric stimulation. Your doctor will apply a small electrical current to the muscles in your pelvic floor. The current causes your muscles to contract and produces a buzzing sensation. After this is replicated many times, you get used to the sensation and are eventually able to do Kegel exercises on your own.


Just like anything, don't expect overnight results. If you do your Kegel exercises regularly, you should expect results within 8-12 weeks. Some women simply do Kegels to keep their health problems from getting worse, but others see dramatic results.


However, once you see improvement, you should not discontinue the routine. Doing Kegels permanently will ensure that you do not see any decrease in the performance of your pelvic floor muscles.

Doing Kegel exercises has many benefits, especially in terms of sexual performance for both men and women. They're an easy way to make dramatic improvements to your health. Doing Kegels may be a little difficult at first, but in a short amount of time, you will be a pro. Incorporate Kegels into your exercise routine today and feel the difference. It's one move you won't mind doing.

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