Women's Lib: Pop the Question to Him

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A woman proposing to her man isn't just a phenomenon we see on shows like Friends and Sex and the City anymore. Close to 10 percent of proposals are from women to men, and most guys are receptive to a woman's proposal, according to iVillage. So should you propose to your beau? First, assess the situation. Is your relationship naturally headed in the direction of marriage? If it seems like a drastic measure, then perhaps you should hold off. But if you're already sharing most aspects of your lives, such as living together or spending most every night together, then perhaps it's time to take the next step. Be sure you are totally ready for the commitment and don't want to jump into marriage for some sort of contrived "fairytale" reason. Next, gauge his readiness. If he seems unenthused about a future with you or doesn't talk about your commitment to one another, then it's possible you may face rejection. Assess how he talks about and reacts to scenarios in which proposals have happened, even if they're hypothetical or made up on your part.